Tag: IndieWeb

  • Class on Block

    Microformat Classes on WordPress Blocks

    I am experimenting with microformats on blocks so that I don’t have to use HTML to insert microformats on my posts. This is post 6 of #100Posts #100Days of my 2024 #100DaysofIndieWeb #IndieWeb project. #microformats

  • BridgyFed Setup Part 2 – Website and Profile Setup

    BridgyFed Setup Part 2 – Website and Profile Setup

    I am continuing to work on getting BridgyFed by @snarfed.org@snarfed.org (Ryan Barrett) setup. Steps My steps included the ones below. Summary I successfully added microformats to blocks so that they show on IndieWebify.Me. I am still working on this and it needs more testing. I will streamline the microformats on the blocks, if possible and…

  • BridgyFed Setup Part 1 – Website and Profile Setup

    BridgyFed Setup Part 1 – Website and Profile Setup

    One of the things that I would like to accomplish is federation of my WordPress website to other websites such as Mastodon and one day Bluesky. I have experimented with BridgyFed and ActivityPub before and thought I would try again with BridgyFed. @snarfed.org@snarfed.org (Ryan Barrett) has mentioned that it will support AT Protocol one day.…

  • 2024 100 Days of IndieWeb Project

    2024 100 Days of IndieWeb Project

    I am starting my 2024 100 Days of IndieWeb project. 2023:  I reached approximately 30 in 2023 and then the cares of life took over as my current work project takes a lot of time. My 2023 project was focused on Project Management memories. I actually could have posted more, but I had second thoughts about disclosing…

  • WordPress Friends Plugin and Why I Don’t Want the Added Users

    This post contains my thoughts on the Friends plugin for WordPress in which I asked about the users that are created. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/users-and-activitypub/ Hello Alex, Thank you for your reply to my question regarding the Friends plugin. First just let me say that you have created an awesome plugin. I am sure that my lack of…

  • IndieWeb Plugin Testing and Suggestions Project – Webmention

    My testing and suggestions for the Webmention plugin are located here. I used the Webmention Rocks! test suite for this testing. Day 32 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal ID Plugin Name or Reference Page Category Short Description/Feature Test Steps Results Comments\Suggestions\Descriptions 1 Webmention Authors Matthias Pfefferle, David Shanske 2 Webmention Background Information 3 Webmention Background Information…

  • IndieWeb Plugin Testing and Suggestions Project – Micropub Plugin

    My testing and suggestions for the Micropub plugin are located here. Day 31 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal ID Plugin Name or Reference Page Category Short Description/Feature Test Steps Results Comments\Suggestions\Descriptions 1 Micropub Authors IndieWeb Club,  Ryan Barrett,  David Shanske 2 Micropub Descriptions (IndieWeb.org) https://indieweb.org/Micropub_for_WordPress “Micropub for WordPress is a plugin to add a Micropub server endpoint…

  • IndieWeb Plugin Testing and Suggestions Project – IndieAuth Plugin

    My testing and suggestions for the IndieAuth plugin are located here. Day 30 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal ID Plugin Name or Reference Page Category Short Description/Feature Test Steps Results Comments\Suggestions 1 IndieAuth Authors  David Shanske,  Matthias Pfefferle,  Aaron Parecki 2 IndieAuth Descriptions (IndieWeb) https://indieweb.org/WordPress_IndieAuth_Plugin “IndieAuth – Adds an IndieAuth endpoint to WordPress. Alternatively, if you do not…

  • IndieWeb Plugin Testing and Suggestions Project – Planning

    Here is my plan for testing the IndieWeb plugins. Day 31 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal The Purpose Testing and Offering Suggestions on the IndieWeb Plugins. One of the plugin authors said that he wished he had a volunteer to help test the plugins. I volunteered. I had to think about how to do this and…