IndieWeb Plugin Testing and Suggestions Project – Micropub Plugin

My testing and suggestions for the Micropub plugin are located here.

Day 31 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal

IDPlugin Name or Reference PageCategoryShort Description/FeatureTest StepsResultsComments\Suggestions\Descriptions
1MicropubAuthorsIndieWeb Club,  Ryan Barrett,  David Shanske
2MicropubDescriptions (“Micropub for WordPress is a plugin to add a Micropub server endpoint to your site.”
3MicropubDescription (IndieWeb Extensions Page)“2. Install and activate the Micropub and IndieAuth plugins. The Micropub plugin will allow you to publish to your website using Micropub clients and the IndieAuth plugin adds an IndieAuth endpoint to allow authentication through your site, which Micropub requires. | Allows you to publish to your site using Micropub clients.”
4MicropubDescriptions (” Micropub is an open API standard that is used to create posts on your site using third-party clients. Web apps and native apps (e.g. iPhone, Android) can use Micropub to post short notes, photos, events or other posts to your own site, similar to a Twitter client posting to Requires the IndieAuth plugin for authentication.

Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, try a client such as Quill to create a new post on your site. It walks you through the steps and helps you troubleshoot if you run into any problems. A list of known Micropub clients are available here”
5MicropubSuggestionSuggest making the descriptions consistent. This plugin involves features that most users will not experience at the highly technical end. But there is a lot that could be done technically with the plugin especially if you create a client. I would suggest splitting the description into two sections: 1 – Description for the New person something and make it something like “Publish to your site using various micropub clients/apps” and remove the words server endopoint. Explain what a micropub client. 2 – Description for the Highly Technical “If you are more technical and want to create your own client…” and move “Micropub is an open API” and other technical content to this section.
6MicropubSuggestion of the clients haven been deprecated. It might be good to note that by the ones that don’t exist anymore.
7MicropubDescription (GitHub)“A Micropub Endpoint plugin for WordPress”
8MicropubFeatureSet up a MicroPub Server to use other posting interfaces. (You could potentially use services like Instagram, Foursquare, and others to post to your WordPress site.)Pre-Req: IndieAuth and Micropub plugin installed and client setup. Navigate to > login > create a click EDITOR > type post content > add tags > add slug > select Status > select when to Publish, click the PUBLISH button.Passed: The post was published to my site as a draft.
9MicropubSuggestionIt would be really nice if the post was published using the block editor. I am not sure if that is a result of Quill of the Micropub plugin.
10MicropubSuggeston for MyselfWhen I have time, try all of the post types in Quill and try to syndicate.


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