Tag: Microformats

  • Microformat Classes on WordPress Blocks

    Microformat Classes on WordPress Blocks

    I am experimenting with microformats on blocks so that I don’t have to use HTML to insert microformats on my posts. This is post 6 of #100Posts #100Days of my 2024 #100DaysofIndieWeb #IndieWeb project. #microformats

  • Block Question for WordPress Experts

    Hello #WordPress and #WordPressExperts. I have a question. I am trying to always use the latest version of WordPress, the theme released with the latest version, and the block editor. I am trying to use #Microformats in most posts so that they are consumed correctly for things like RSVP’s, posting to Mastodon through brid.gy, commenting…

  • IndieWeb: WordPress RSVP Using Blocks

    IndieWeb: WordPress RSVP Using Blocks

    I have been working on ways to use the native WordPress blocks with classes to produce content that has the appropriate microformat classes. I was successfully in submitting an RSVP with one exception, the image does not seem to want to work properly. I am still becoming conversant in the language of microformats and still…