Wallabag Screenshot

Project Journal: My Own Read It Later Site – Wallabag

I am taking a short break from Webmentions today. I have been reading a lot of articles and I found an application that I could install that would let me save articles. Day 19 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress

Read more: Project Journal: My Own Read It Later Site – Wallabag


I have wanted an application that would let me save articles, similar to Pocket or Instapaper. I discovered one in Softaculous on in my web hosting. Many of the applications in Softaculous are not up to date, but I am willing to take a chance on this one since it was updated in October of 2022. For more information visit https://wallabag.org/.

What I Don’t Like

I can’t get the mobile app to work because it can’t find the API endpoint. I also don’t see a bookmark tool for Safari. Other than that, I like it.

What I Like

I like the fact that articles can be annotated.


Softaculous installation screen.

Softaculous Screenshot of Wallabag

This is the view of the articles.

Wallabag Screenshot

Wallabag provides the ability to create a feed that can be viewed in your feed reader.

Project Journal: My Own Read It Later Site – Wallabag

T Michelle Moore's photo T Michelle Moore


5 responses to “Project Journal: My Own Read It Later Site – Wallabag”

  1. Good to know, thanks! Why not use Wallabag in Firefox, with a bookmark there?

    P.S. Our email addresses are not published, right?

    1. Hello Regina!
      Correct, your email is not published. I don’t use Firefox as my primary browser. I am a recent, in the last two years, Apple/Mac convert and am trying to stick with Safari. In my IndieWeb project, I am trying to stick within some constraints and occasionally I may need to adjust a bit based on the capabilities of the tools. 🙂

      1. Helpful review! Intro, pros, cons, all of it.

        After using Pocket for a few years I unsubscribed after reading their Privacy Policy, since my reading list is my own business. Otherwise I love many of Pocket’s reading suggestions that pop up. Wallabag sounds good overall but can’t handle reading one more Privacy Policy, at least for this purpose.

        Since then I’ve returned to copying reading URLs to my Mac’s Documents, in my Research folders. Mac’s Spotlight search tool is powerful and quick, so I can always find those files. In Spotlight settings (System Preferences), I can hide any folders for my privacy, so no one else can search those folders but me. Who needs our health browsing history, for example, sold to health insurance companies for all we know?

        > I don’t use Firefox as my primary browser. I am a recent, in the last two years, Apple/Mac convert and am trying to stick with Safari.

        I can understand that. I do strongly recommend Firefox, though. More privacy tools than Safari if I’m correct. One example among many: “Containers” add-on tool keeps any website I choose, that I visit, in its own silo. For example, my Facebook Container— so FB can’t track me from FB to other sites, or from other sites. I have many containers.

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