Category: Consulting

    Synology NAS

    Every few years I have to buy an additional external drive to hold all of my pictures. It is a ridiculous ritual where I will purchase the drive, previously 2TB and the last three were 5TB, and copy from here to there and try to make sure I had ALL of my pictures. This year,…

  • Class on Block

    Microformat Classes on WordPress Blocks

    I am experimenting with microformats on blocks so that I don’t have to use HTML to insert microformats on my posts. This is post 6 of #100Posts #100Days of my 2024 #100DaysofIndieWeb #IndieWeb project. #microformats

  • Career and Technology Education

    As a previous Career and Technology Education High School teacher, I say yes on encouraging students to take advantage of the opportunities. From learning network administration or computer repair, which I taught, to the Cisco Networking Academy, to culinary arts, cosmetology, boat repair, auto repair, HVAC, construction, Nursing assisting, dental assisting, drafting, and welding, there…

  • WordPress Friends Plugin and Why I Don’t Want the Added Users

    This post contains my thoughts on the Friends plugin for WordPress in which I asked about the users that are created. Hello Alex, Thank you for your reply to my question regarding the Friends plugin. First just let me say that you have created an awesome plugin. I am sure that my lack of…

  • IndieWeb Plugin Testing and Suggestions Project – Webmention

    My testing and suggestions for the Webmention plugin are located here. I used the Webmention Rocks! test suite for this testing. Day 32 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal ID Plugin Name or Reference Page Category Short Description/Feature Test Steps Results Comments\Suggestions\Descriptions 1 Webmention Authors Matthias Pfefferle, David Shanske 2 Webmention Background Information 3 Webmention Background Information…

  • IndieWeb Plugin Testing and Suggestions Project – Micropub Plugin

    My testing and suggestions for the Micropub plugin are located here. Day 31 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal ID Plugin Name or Reference Page Category Short Description/Feature Test Steps Results Comments\Suggestions\Descriptions 1 Micropub Authors IndieWeb Club,  Ryan Barrett,  David Shanske 2 Micropub Descriptions ( “Micropub for WordPress is a plugin to add a Micropub server endpoint…

  • IndieWeb Plugin Testing and Suggestions Project – IndieAuth Plugin

    My testing and suggestions for the IndieAuth plugin are located here. Day 30 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal ID Plugin Name or Reference Page Category Short Description/Feature Test Steps Results Comments\Suggestions 1 IndieAuth Authors  David Shanske,  Matthias Pfefferle,  Aaron Parecki 2 IndieAuth Descriptions (IndieWeb) “IndieAuth – Adds an IndieAuth endpoint to WordPress. Alternatively, if you do not…