Tag: RSS

  • RSS and Feed Readers

    Chris Aldrich has written a great article on “Full RSS feeds for Mastodon Instances with OpenRSS” over at: https://boffosocko.com/2023/01/10/full-rss-feeds-for-mastodon-instances-with-openrss/ He provides an awesome recommendation of https://openrss.org to obtain an RSS feed for a Mastodon instance. Don’t miss out on the fact that it can do this for other websites also. If you don’t know what…

  • FreshRSS Feed Articles

    FreshRSS – A Feed Reader of My Own

    I was exploring ways to add an RSS feedreader to my WordPress site and installed PressForward. I was looking for a replacement for my Inoreader subscription. PressForward is a great tool, but a little more than I needed. I could see the benefits for organizations with multiple people that curate, comment on, and publish articles.…