Tag: Webmentions
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Create a Custom Block Pattern – From Scratch – Part 2
I didn’t have time today to create a block from scratch today but wanted to add two more resources to my list that Jonathan Bossenger provided when I told him what I wanted to do: create a block pattern for my RSVP webmention. Day 20 of 100 Read More:
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Create a Custom Block Pattern – From Scratch – Part 1
I looked at a few videos to understand how to create a custom block pattern to hold my RSVP webmention. You can do this “from scratch” or use a plugin. I would like to do this from scratch but am not sure if I can maintain it. The steps below summarize how to create a…
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Create An RSVP Part 1
Today, I created an Event and RSVP’d to the event using HTML. Thank you to my IndieWeb friends that provided the references. Tomorrow, I will examine whether the HTML is correct. Day 18 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress The Plan The current status of the plan. T Michelle Moore Also on: website website
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Plan
I have read the background on Webmentions and am now ready to move on to figuring out how to make a custom block pattern. There is the easy way, use a plugin, and the other way, setup a page as you want, copy the HTML to escape the HTML and other steps that seem a…
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Planning – Learning
Day 10 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress Today, I had hoped to have a plan documented to for my WordPress RSVP Block Pattern. Since yesterday I have been working on: I read the Webmention specification from the W3C. Reading the spec was very informative. Even though I am going to have to read…
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Planning
As part of my IndieWeb projects, I am learning about Webmentions. This is just a quick update to say that I am still reading and looking at videos. I also setup a sandbox to test whether I could send a Webmention to myself and it was successful. By tomorrow I hope to have a plan…
Block Question for WordPress Experts
Hello #WordPress and #WordPressExperts. I have a question. I am trying to always use the latest version of WordPress, the theme released with the latest version, and the block editor. I am trying to use #Microformats in most posts so that they are consumed correctly for things like RSVP’s, posting to Mastodon through brid.gy, commenting…