As part of my IndieWeb projects, I am learning about Webmentions. This is just a quick update to say that I am still reading and looking at videos. I also setup a sandbox to test whether I could send a Webmention to myself and it was successful. By tomorrow I hope to have a plan documented to accomplish the following-
- Learn About Webmentions a Little More Deeply
- Successfully Use the IndeWeb and Webmentions Plugin to Send Webmentions
- Create A Model Post for RSVPs
- The Post Can Use some HTML, but I don’t want that to be the primary content.
- Learn How to Make a Custom Block Pattern
- Ideally from Scratch But if Not, I will use a plugin if this takes to long.
- Test the RSVP
- Test Again
- Get Advice from the IndieWeb Community on Naming, Sharing, etc.
- Share in the WordPress Pattern Library.
- If this is successful, I will create one to reply to a website post.
There will be more but they will require additional plugins. I will also need to update my original IndieWeb plan.
Day 9 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress
Link: Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Planning
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