Class on Block

Microformat Classes on WordPress Blocks

I am experimenting with microformats on blocks so that I don’t have to use HTML to insert microformats on my posts. The purpose of the microformats is, my definition, to provide identifiable data to tools that help me Publish (on Your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere (POSSE) That definition is flawed so please see the real definitions at and

This is post 6 of #100Posts #100Days of my 2024 #100DaysofIndieWeb #IndieWeb project. #microformats

The Structure

Overall there are three main groups (divs) with the classes below.

  • h-entry class
    • e-content class
      • Contains all content that I am hoping the publishing tool recognizes and provides to the other site.
      • Photos don’t work well at the moment.
      • I am using the Read More block. This is imperfect. My posts don’t have so much text that you have to read more. I have added the u-url class to the Read More block so that the link is included in the post.
  • None
    • My photos are stored on SmugMug.
    • I have been experimenting with EnviraGallery and trying to determine if I want to host my photos on my site. I have thousands of photos, not all to be shared, but it would be a lot. There have been hiccups using this plugin publishing from Adobe Lightroom. but I will decide on this.
    • For now, I am using the Photonic Gallery plugin to show the SmugMug photos.
    • They are in a group outside of the e-content group because there is a link to SmugMug that appears in the post that I don’t want.
    • I am using the Featured Image plugin which let’s me link to the photo on SmugMug.
  • None
    • Date Block which has the Custom c format which is the ISO 8601 format.
    • Custom HTML Block
      • Contains an h-card and Bridgy web mentions.

I don’t use the p-name or p-summary classes because of the way that BridgyFed works. I want the full content to display on Mastodon ( and this will take more experimentation. I haven’t used the p-category class yet. I am just inserting tags into the e-content section.

Does All of This Work?

Not perfectly. Making all this work takes a lot of experimentation! The one thing that I really want to work is BridgyFed so that when ATProtocol is implemented, I can use that for BlueSky. For now I am syndicating using and continuing to try different blocks.

Read More: Microformat Classes on WordPress Blocks


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