Notes from Marc Roenberg’s – What Every Manager Must Know aboutLearning 2.0 Session Now. #TK10

These are my scattered notes from:

In Marc Roenberg’s – What Every Manager Must Know about Learning 2.0 Session Now.  #TK10

Influences and changes it is going to bring.

What is learning 2.0?

  • We live in a real-time world; therefore it changes everything we do.
  • Education – Stable content, learn for the futuer, apply to broad situation, primarily knoweldge-based, develop the person
  • Our role use to be education, training. Now it is education, training, and information.  #TK10 (Rosenberg)

Blended Learning – Learner, Simulations, Information Repositories, Classroom Training, Mentoring Coaching, Communities of Practice (with embeded technology), Experts and Expertise, Performance Support, etc. #TK10 (Rosenberg)

In Learning 2.0 the Learner is now a Peformer.

In Learning 2.0 where do people learn?

  • In the workplace-Workplace Integration
  • Mobility and Decentralization

    • Mobile learning is learning that follows you. Not training. Whereever you are the learning follows you.
    • Learning Culture

      • Some cultures will not accept learning 2.0.
      • Bad cultures defeat great learning. #TK10 (Rosenberg)
      • You can’t force this (SM) where the culture and organizational environment won’t support it. #TK10 (Rosenberg)
      • The technology is getting so easy to use a CEO can do it. #TK10 (Rosenberg)

Don’t confuse learning and training.

  • Learning is an artifact of human behavior.
  • Training is something we do to people.
  • For the most part when we think of learning we think of it as an iceberg. Most of the iceburg is below the water.

    • We usually look at what we can see such as the courses and catalogs.
    • Underneath the informal learning is going on.

      • Most learning takes place on the job (98%)
      • Most learning is informal: trial and error; doing; asking a friend

Knowledge Management

  • Information Repositories
  • Communities of practice
  • Experts and Expertise
  • Knowledge management is getting informatioin from people who have it to people who need it, in the most cost effective manner. #TK10 (Rosenberg)
  • Usually we are focused on documents and presentations when referriing to KM.

    • We must think beyond documents and presentations.

Web 2.0 is the growing set of tools and processes that allow anyone to create or access digital content and collaborate with others without any sprecial programming skills. ASTD Learning Circuits

Why do we insist that a student sit through a 2-3 day class where they wait until they hear the information they want when we could just give them the information they want in the first place. #TK10 (Rosenberg)

Target populations to Cyber intimacy (personal lesson plans)

Learning management to Knowledge management

LMSs are inadequate for dealing with learning 2.0

Classes to Communities = Instead of thinking of separate classes, think of each class a whole community. They can collaborate, get articles, our influence as trainers would not start on the last day of class. We can influence what happens when they go back to work and in their daily work life.

From Authoring to Blogging

Course catalogs to Knolwedgebases


  • Subject

    • Virtual Communities
    • Experts

      • Blog

  • Course Content
  • Live Events
  • Information Repositories
  • LMS Courses
  • Many different resources for the topic instead of courses
  • (Knowledge centric view of knoweldge)
  • We need to think of subjects in this way instead of just what courses do we have. Think about the content domain, not the course package.

Things Managers Think About

  • Physical Plant (80% of these are closed.)
  • Metrics (Kirkpatrick, actually the client decides what the metrics are, ask the client what they want them to be able to do when it is over?, How can we certify that someone knows what it requires to do the job. Look into the field of certification. Work samples, observation, tests, etc.)

    • Set your standards, match to a certification program, here is what you have to do
    • Technical infrastructure
    • Financing
    • Skill sets (Library science, managing a community, information architect, facilitation, project management, direct content creation)
    • Governance

      • Set up a governance board with many around the table to make recommendations
      • IT
      • Marketing
      • Sales
      • Don’t be in the ivory tower dictating
      • Roles
      • Expecations

Course-centric to Knowledge centric.

Don’t’ Kill the Classroom

  • As everything was going to elearning some things happened
  • The wrong contnet was transitioned to e-learning
  • Learning suffered and costs skyrocketed
  • Lots of “shovelware”
  • ISDs are paid to determine when to use the classroom, when to use e-training

Push to Pull

  • Multiple Leves of mastery Require Multiple Learning and Performance Strategies
  • Novices – Need Training, more formal and structured learning
  • Competent – Need Guidance
  • Experienced –Want access to information
  • Master/Expert (people can teach others) – Want to collaborate and problem solve. More personalized learning. More informal. On the job learning.
  • As people go through these levels of mastery they become more fluent in their jobs.
  • We move from pushing the information to people pulling it.
  • Learning 1.0 is the Supply Side (Prescription)
  • Learning 2.0 Demand Side(Subscription)

Value Propositoin for learning 2.0

  • Speed
  • Performance
  • Accuracy
  • Readiness
  • Gets people to learning faster, quicker, cheaper.
  • When you go and make your case for this, you can’t make it on learning. Learning without performance is meaningless in a business. We must get them to performance faster than the competition. We can do this through Learning 2.0 strategy.


  • A lot of companies are looking for English majors or journalism majors and then turning them into Instructional Designers.


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