As a previous Career and Technology Education High School teacher, I say yes on encouraging students to take advantage of the opportunities. From learning network administration or computer repair, which I taught, to the Cisco Networking Academy, to culinary arts, cosmetology, boat repair, auto repair, HVAC, construction, Nursing assisting, dental assisting, drafting, and welding, there are so many opportunities in high school. I also encouraged my kids to be “dual” computers which means they are on an academic track also. One more benefit of these schools is the relationships the teachers have with industry and also local community college articulation agreements. Some students walk out their high school career and tech classes with multiple college credits and certifications if they were motivated. Shout out to my former school CAT-South in Anne Arundel County Maryland. Shout out to #SkillsUSA, the professional association for Career and Technology Education students.
Originally posted on LinkedIn. I wanted to keep a record for myself.