A LinkedIn friend comment on the article ‘Go Forward’ By Lora Kelley and said that they should just call it what is is, a layoff.
I replied with the following on LinkedIn near 11/1/2022
Good point. Just say what it is and I would add another thought > help your people get to the next stage of their journey. Some of those people being laid off may have just been waiting for the day the layoff came and aren’t sad about it. Some will be extremely upset and will need to know where the next paycheck will come from. So my definition of helping them get to the next stage of their journey is providing a package that provides education, career counseling, emotional counseling, health insurance, and start-up counseling. I have been lucky enough to receive most of this during the two layoffs I experienced. But coming back to your point, yep, just call it what it is.
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