Category: Talent Development
Real-time social media search and analysis #TK10
Did you know that you can get you “Real-time social media search and analysis” on your company or any other one from Social Mention ( “Receive free daily email alerts of your brand, company, CEO, marketing campaign, or on a developing news story, a competitor, or the latest on a celebrity.” #TK10
Threats to Your Social Learning Strategy #TK10
Threats to Your Social Learning Strategy #TK10 Threat: Risk of Marginalization Threats Changing demographics in the workplace X/Yers are use to getting things done on their own Twechnologiacally literate Conditioned to expect immediate gratification Skeptical of society and its nstitutions Lifelon learners Ambition Trent: Consumer-oriented social media sets expectations for yoru users (Expectations from…
Intrepid’s View on Social Learning #TK10
Intrepid’s View on Social Learning #TK10 Social Learning is one tool in the learning toolbox. It’s not (only) about the technology. There’s still no free lunch, even when the tools are “free.” Users must be encourage to contribute There must be incentives for them to contribute Need active ways to energize the people you are…
Examples of Social Learning #TK10PRE #TK10 from Presenter
Examples of Social Learning #TK10PRE #TK10 from Presenter SabreTown Employee community Tools built internally Profile Q & A Smarts People Blogs Sun Learning Exchange Users can generate their own content and upload it to the Sun Learning Exchange User’s can rate content and search through it Could be slides shows about products and roles…
What is Social Learning? #TK10PRE #TK10
What is Social Learning? #TK10PRE #TK10 It is Web 2.0 applied to learning and performance support. Web 2.0 Characteristics Read/Write Web Users can contribute stuff back to a website Emphasis on peer to peer connections Not just organizations and content Information can be reused and repurposed Social (Any experience where being part of a collective…
Creating a Social Learning Strategy for Your Organization #TK10PRE #TK10
Creating a Social Learning Strategy for Your Organization #TK10PRE #TK10 I am in the Creating a Social Learning Strategy for Your workshop now. I hope I really learn how to do this. This workshop is given by Keith, Darin, and Mark of
Twitter and Twitterfall in Learning #TK10PRE #TK10
Twitter and Twitterfall in Learning #TK10PRE #TK10 Twitter is like a river of millions of people spewing out 140 charaters at a time. Some spew more some spew less. Example Tonight at 9 be on Twitter and the hash tag will be #xyz. Each time you tweet, put the hash tag in there. Example Why…
Post-Test in Chat #TK10PRE #TK10
Countdown and hit enter at the same time. The answers to the question will determine if you need to cover the content.
Pre-Test in Chat #TK10PRE #TK10 140
In the chat, ask the students to answer a question, but don’t hit enter. Countdown and hit enter at the same time. The answers to the question will determine if you need to cover the content.