Category: Business
“Go Forward” by Lora Kelley
A LinkedIn friend comment on the article ‘Go Forward’ By Lora Kelley and said that they should just call it what is is, a layoff. I replied with the following on LinkedIn near 11/1/2022 Good point. Just say what it is and I would add another thought > help your people get to the next…
TED Talks that teach you about business – Business Insider
Some of the world’s greatest thought leaders challenge conventional notions about work, making you a more successful boss, employee, or entrepreneur. Source: TED Talks that teach you about business – Business Insider
“…the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions…” Niccolò Machiavelli – Wikiquote
This is so true: “It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well…
What is Customer Development?
Customer Development So far I have posted on Business Models, Value Propositions, and now I want to point to Customer Development. I am late to this party and through reading the Lean Startup by Eric Ries, which I found out about through a Product Management course I was taking, I learned about Steve Blank and Customer…
Watch “Rural Post Offices Transformed by E-commerce” on YouTube #Innovation
This video discusses the impact e-commerce has had on a rural post office. The impacts range from a big increase in packages coming to the post office but is contradicted by many closed shops in the town. But then people in the town are opening their own online businesses. I went through categorizations of this…
What is a Business Model?
A few weeks ago I was sent off with the task to figure out a business model for a product with the CFO. Well, in my head I said, what’s a business model? And of course I started an internet search for sample business models. In my research I discovered another term that people define…
What is a Value Proposition?
In 2007, at my first Metro DC ATD (formerly ASTD) Chapter board meeting, the president of the chapter asked everyone what our value proposition was? I had volunteered for the role of Director of Membership because I never received my username and password for the site and I was determined to fix my own problem.…