Category: Project Journal
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Create a Custom Block Pattern – From Scratch – Part 1
I looked at a few videos to understand how to create a custom block pattern to hold my RSVP webmention. You can do this “from scratch” or use a plugin. I would like to do this from scratch but am not sure if I can maintain it. The steps below summarize how to create a…
Every Person DESERVES AND IS ENTITLED TO Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Justice including Tyre Nichols
Every Person DESERVES AND IS ENTITLED TO Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Justice no matter their color, race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, or class. I just saw the Tyre Nichols video and decided that my IndieWeb project will be skipped tonight. Tyre Nichols and a host of other people deserved life, liberty, and the…
Project Journal: My Own Read It Later Site – Wallabag
I am taking a short break from Webmentions today. I have been reading a lot of articles and I found an application that I could install that would let me save articles. Day 19 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress Wallabag I have wanted an application that would let me save articles, similar to…
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Create An RSVP Part 1
Today, I created an Event and RSVP’d to the event using HTML. Thank you to my IndieWeb friends that provided the references. Tomorrow, I will examine whether the HTML is correct. Day 18 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPress The Plan The current status of the plan. T Michelle Moore Also on: website website
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Plan
I have read the background on Webmentions and am now ready to move on to figuring out how to make a custom block pattern. There is the easy way, use a plugin, and the other way, setup a page as you want, copy the HTML to escape the HTML and other steps that seem a…
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Planning – Learning Day 7
Today, I read many of the Articles on the Webmention page. Admittedly, there are many that are geared towards non-WordPress implementations. There is also history embedded into many of the articles. Tomorrow, I will update my plan and move on to starting to learn how to build a block editor pattern. Day 16 of 100…
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Planning – Learning Day 6
Today, I diverged just a little bit to test my Micropub implementation using Micropub.Rocks. According to the site “Micropub Rocks! is a validator to help you test your Micropub implementation. Several kinds of tests are available on the site.” Day 15 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal T Michelle Moore Also on: website website
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Planning – Learning Day 5
Today, I had to move on but I will continue reading the Articles on the Webmention page. I read the Webmention-Developer page on the website. This page discussed the protocol summary, how to send, receive, and test. It provided links to libraries. But most importantly referred us to the Testing tool. I successfully…
Project Journal: IndieWeb Webmentions: Planning – Learning Day 4
Today, I am continuing reading the Articles on the Webmention page. I am a little tired this evening so I might not get far. This is under the task to: Day 13 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #WordPress T Michelle Moore Also on: website website website