2024 100 Days of IndieWeb Project

2024 100 Days of IndieWeb Project

I am starting my 2024 100 Days of IndieWeb project.

2023:  I reached approximately 30 in 2023 and then the cares of life took over as my current work project takes a lot of time. My 2023 project was focused on Project Management memories. I actually could have posted more, but I had second thoughts about disclosing some of that information.

2024:  My 2024 project will be much more generalized and my theme will be 100 Days of Post that include Notes or Articles. 

Goal: The goal will be to add 100 posts of eclectic topics to my website.

Topics: The topics will mostly be photography, me learning watercolor painting and how to draw, a little bit of Eldercare, implementing IndieWeb features on my website, project management, and eclectic topics.

Hashtags: My hashtags will be #100Days, #IndieWeb, #100DaysOfIndieWeb, #100Posts.

This is post 1 of #100Posts #100Days of my 2024 #100DaysofIndieWeb #IndieWeb project.


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