WordPress Daily Prompt: Do you trust your instincts?

WordPress Daily Prompt: Do you trust your instincts?

Do you trust your instincts?

Yes. In my job as an implementation project manager, I have to answer questions and provide information a lot every day. Many times I have the luxury of being able to consult with our project solution architect. In many instances, I have to rely on my internal database of knowledge to guide me in providing the best answer or information. In my previous job I was the contract government side project manager. I could reach back to my company for support but many times just depended on my internal database of knowledge. In all of my career roles, I did the same thing. Outside of work, it’s not as complicated, thank goodness. And yes I trust my instincts in non work situations.

Am I always right, well no. But guess what, I just confess, ask for forgiveness, explain my reasoning and work with whomever to course correct.

This is my first answer to the daily prompt in the WordPress JetPack app. I am going to see if I have the fortitude and knowledge to answer the prompts each day. 😊


3 responses to “WordPress Daily Prompt: Do you trust your instincts?”

  1. Love your approach 🤓 Expertise, experience and humility. And teamwork. May you be fairly compensated for investing so much of your brain and dedication.

    I’ll be looking for these qualities when joining or forming a team. Thanks for the inspiration 💫

    1. Thank you Regina! I hope that you form that team and have much success with it very soon!

      1. Thanks MIchelle! That means a lot to me. I have some in mind. Always learning from experts and colleagues!

        For a few years I worked as unofficial Interim House Manager. After working closely with 4 House Managers, I had an inkling of the job. But I constantly had to research, and reach out for advice. And still get everything done at breakneck speed. Throughout a major remodel, with cats and dogs underfoot.

        “Am I always right, well no. But guess what, I just confess, ask for forgiveness, explain my reasoning and work with whomever to course correct”.

        Yep. So grateful for a dream client who forgave my many imperfections. As long as she saw me giving my all, with a learning mindset. I’m always paying it forward.

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